User Guide

Discorder.jl provides an easy way to write Discord bots in Julia.


The primary difference between this and other Julia Discord libraries is that it has a separate control plane that primarily works with Discord Gateway. This control plane continuously monitor activities from your Discord server and publish events.

Discord bots run as separate processes. You may operate multiple bots independently of each other. They all share the same events stream from the control plane.

Architecture Diagram

Quick start

Starting the control requires a simple config file. You can find examples configs in the etc folder of this repo.

using Discorder

Bot clients can subscribe to the events and register for specific event patterns. For example, an "echo" bot can be written easily as such:

using Discorder

port = 6000
bot = Bot()

register_command_handler!(bot, CommandTrigger(r",echo (.*)")) do client, message, str
    create_message(client, message.channel_id;
        content="ok, you said: $str",

start(bot, port)

See example folder for more bot examples.